måndag 8 maj 2017

League of Legends at ggbet

Today’s blog post is about League of Legends, the love of my life haha – and if you should use ggbet to do your betting there.

Esports betting have grown over the year and you shouldn’t just be satisfied if the bookmaker is offering LCS NA/EU and Worlds betting when it comes to League of Legends. If you look at esports oriented bookmakers such as ggbet you will realize that you can bet on a lot more.
If you want a full information list go here: https://www.esportslobby.com/ggbet-esports/

But anyways,

League of Legends is huge today and you can bet on a lot of different markets, not just match winner.
If you use ggbet you can at least be sure that you will be able to bet on 80-95% of all the games available or decent (with no risk of betting on fixed matches and so on). Also, you will be able to bet on at least 3-5 markets on each game (match winner, handicap and so on).

This is true for more than just League of Legends. GGbet has for example a good coverage on other shiiieeeet as well.

Fun facts: The first LoL Worlds Championship was held at Dreamhack so all Swedish people can gloat about that! This is DH: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DreamHack

Today there are many other events hosting it, but anyways =) just a side note.
But just to conclude,

You can earn a lot on League of Legends but don’t waste your time on **** bookies that will give you bad odds on markets that are hard to predict. Make sure to choose a good one, it doesn’t have to be ggbet, I do not promote them in any way. I use many other bookmakers as well, and there are other good.

So if you do not like ggbet just use another one, But do the homework on which are the good ones – but most importantly, the legit ones!

Also read up on Dota2!

